Image Courtesy of GuildQuality
We're so thankful to have been selected to receive Remodeling Magazine's Big 50 award! Here is an excerpt from the article they wrote:
David Mullikin was involved in every facet of the business for the first 10 years of owning his business. These days, Mullikin has a team to handle that end of things. A major activity for him is client acquisition. “Our focus is more who our client is than the project type,” he says. “It’s not like we prefer a kitchen, a bath, or an addition so much as the client that values what we value.”
Clients come from two main sources: Networking for referrals, and the photos and copy (written by Laurel Mullikin) that are posted on Houzz. Notably, Infinite Home’s Houzz site doesn’t just show projects, but also pictures of David and Laurel. “If we’re going to be in the client’s house six to nine months, they have to like us and not be afraid to ask questions,” David says.